The Development of Hybrid Governance: A Bibliometric-Based Systematic Literature Review
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Chandra Dinata
Agus Suryono
Irwan Noor
Abdullah Said
Hybrid governance is essential to dealing with complicated and evolving governance problems involving public administration, market mechanisms, and social accountability. This paper presents a systematic literature review that fills the fragmented areas of knowledge on hybrid governance between 1995 and 2024. This review is mapped by analyzing the 123 papers from Scopus on hybrid governance and its development, deployment, and influence across various contexts. Results highlight that hybrid governance has had a dynamic path, revealing its growth in academic attention, applications in different cases, and interdisciplinarity. The review outlines major themes such as environmental justice, institutional interactions, socio-economic impacts, and good governance, providing a holistic view of Hybrid Governance. It also shows how emerging technologies and international alliances shape hybrid governance practices. The implications, however, go beyond addressing these challenges to enhancing the adaptability and effectiveness of global governance systems, leading to more resilient, inclusive, and sustainable ones globally.
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