Influence Of Stress And Coping Strategies Of Women Employees Working In Selected Banks In Chennai City
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L. Bhuvaneswari
Dr. P. Vijayashree
The stress that female employees in the banking industry face is thoroughly examined in this study report. The purpose of the study is to determine the causes, consequences, and coping strategies used by women to deal with stress in this hard work environment. Understanding the particular difficulties faced by women in the banking sector helps researchers create focused treatments and policies that improve worker satisfaction and organizational performance. Most individuals face stress at work; it's a typical occurrence. Certain occupations are more likely to cause stress. These workers experience stress, which has negative effects on them. We all experience stress in our daily lives. Stress can arise from other non-work related circumstances, such as at home or with friends. Stress has a strong sense of individualism. Some people flourish in the face of several stresses in their environment because they have a high tolerance for stress. In fact, some people won't function properly until they go through a certain amount of stress that motivates and energizes them to give it their all. Conversely, some people have an extremely low stress threshold and get immobilized when they come into contact with ordinary, daily things that they find objectionable. The study then concentrated on looking at coping mechanisms employed by women at these banks to deal with the difficulties they face, particularly in relation to juggling work and home obligations. Both male and female employees experience stress due to various factors, such as working outside of regular working hours, having high levels of responsibility, putting in a lot of physical and mental effort, repetitive nature of assignments, limited time, role ambiguity, incomplete time for assignments, different policies and guidelines, unfair compensation, and not being able to meet personal and family needs.

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