Influence of gender on Utilization of Citation Databases - A Study
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Praveen Kapoor
Ashok Kumar Upadhyay
The purpose of this research study is to analyze the ways in which gender affects the utilization of citation databases like Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar among library users at the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun. This investigation seeks to ascertain the impact of gender on the level of awareness, the purposes and impact of citation databases, the satisfaction level of users, and the challenges associated with using these databases. We employed the survey method to gather primary data from the university library users. A carefully designed questionnaire was employed to gather data and a total of 328 valid responses were received, which were analyzed with the help of MS Excel and IBM SPSS Statistics 24. The results show no significant variations between male and female respondents in terms of awareness, purpose of use, user satisfaction, and the impact of citation databases; however, gender influences the challenges users face when using these databases.

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