
Patricia Sotelo Ocampo

Sofía Genoveva Rivera Espinoza

Carlos Enrique Martínez del Ángel


Many studies of Small and medium enterprises, have been generated focused on permanence in the market, which is currently very dynamic and with a lot of uncertainty; companies that do not prepare or adapt to changes will be vulnerable.

The present study aims to show the factors that affect the permanence of the Small and medium enterprises in the municipality of Tampico, for which an instrument of 25 items was applied. The result shows that factors such as strategic planning, competitiveness, innovation affect the permanence of the Small and medium enterprises in the municipality of Tampico.

Small and medium enterprises they represent, within the international context, more than 90% of the economic units (2019 INEGI economic censuses), also providing 70% of employment in Mexico, increase the rate of economically active population through the generation of jobs and manage to satisfy product or service needs. . Due to the above, it is necessary to support so that companies continue to open, remain, and grow those that already exist.
