A Study on Financial Soundness of Merged Banks in India by using Altman’s Z-Score Model and Linear Regression Model
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Mrs.Shanthana Lakshmi R
Dr. V.P.Karthikeyan
The financial soundness of the banks can be measured with various tools and techniques, in that one of the techniques is Altman Z Score Formula. The Altman Z score tool is used to measure financial stability of a company by using companies past financial data. It is mainly used to test whether the banks will sustain for longer period of time and bankruptcy prediction. Andthe machine learning linear regression model is used for future Z score Predictions. The sample sizeof study includes of 6 merged banks in India i.e. Punjab national bank, Canara bank, Indian Bank, Union bank of India, State bank of India and Bank of Baroda by using past 5 years of banks financial statement data. In this studythe data analysis techniques are using Altman Z Score& Linear regression model with Accuracy test of linear prediction values.

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