Leveraging AI And HR Analytics to Foster Diversity and Elevate Job Satisfaction in Tech Industry
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Dr.J. Prasath
Dr. S. Kowsalya
In the rapidly evolving landscape of AI, understanding its impact on employee satisfaction and workplace diversity is crucial. This study examines the perceptions of IT employees at Cyberpark, Kerala, focusing on the influence of AI, diversity initiatives, and job satisfaction. Using simple random sampling, data were collected from 278 employees through a structured questionnaire. The results were analyzed using SPSS and tools such as percentage analysis, descriptive statistics, ANOVA, t-test, correlation, regression, and factor analysis were utilized. The findings reveal that while AI positively contributes to employee morale and productivity, significant ethical concerns persist, especially among rural employees who exhibited the lowest perception of AI. Diversity initiatives were shown to enhance job satisfaction, with employees expressing high satisfaction with their physical work environment. However, dissatisfaction emerged around the lack of effective grievance redressal mechanisms and the assignment of tasks perceived as meaningless. These results underscore the need for organizations to address these challenges to fully leverage the benefits of AI and diversity initiatives, ensuring a supportive and engaging work environment.

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