
Mrs.Shanthana Lakshmi R


Dr. Punithavathi


Social media is an integral part of the daily lives of youth students in Coimbatore City. It makes a world global village and connect the people from all over the world. It increases its popularity in youth students especially in students of schools and colleges. For analysing the social media Analytics on students, a structured questionnaire was designed and by using simple random sampling, a sample of 500 youth students were selected from different schools and colleges. By using statistical analysis, result of the study illustrates that social media Analytics plays a vital role in providing education and career openings to the students. The relationship between the social media platforms and applications relating to learning purposes, entertainment purpose, career opportunities, health issues, chatting with friends, advertisement and promotional measures and education purposes are constructed with gender, age, social media sites and tie spent on using social media sites. The study also reveals the positive and negative Analytics on social media and how they affect the academic performance of the among youth students in Coimbatore City.
