Assessing Skill Gaps in the Era of AI in the Banking Sector
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Dr.D.Sasikala Devi
"Assessing Skill Gaps in the Era of AI in the Banking Sector" explores the gaps in AI-related skills among bank employees. Through a survey conducted using convenience sampling, we discovered significant deficiencies in technical competencies, despite employees' eagerness to adopt AI technologies. These findings highlight an urgent need for targeted training and development programs to bridge these gaps. While convenience sampling provided valuable initial insights, it has its limitations and may not fully represent the broader banking workforce. Therefore, further research with more rigorous sampling techniques is recommended. To effectively address these skill gaps, we advocate for continuous education and upskilling initiatives. Collaboration between banks, educational institutions, and AI experts is crucial to create effective training programs. The successful integration of AI in banking depends on the workforce's ability to adapt and thrive in an AI-driven environment, making the assessment and mitigation of skill gaps essential for the industry's future success.

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