
Poonam Sondagar

Hariom J. Puniyani


The present study aims to measure consumers' pre-purchase behaviour regarding buying Men’s Grooming and Personal Care Products (MG & PCPs) and gain insight into the likely thoughts, ideas, actions, and activities that consumers often consider during the pre-purchase period and before arriving at the final purchase decision.
The study tries to find the answers to questions like how the need of the consumer to buy a product arises, what are the sources that make customers aware of the products available in the market, what are the reasons behind purchasing products, and further how the consumer tries to find different ways, and then chooses the best alternatives that suit his needs and requirements. The whole research tells us how the consumer behaves to find the most suitable way to fulfill his needs.
The study will share recommendations and suggestions with product companies that help them connect their products positively with existing or prospective consumers.
