Conflicting Perspectives on Conflicts of Interests: Case of Laguna Village Leadership and Change Management
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Abbas Al Hawamdeh
Basim Almbaidin
Tawfeeq Al-Ajaleen
Mahd Eid Al Hawamdeh
The present case study primarily deals with an association in the village of Laguna in the state of California. The association is named as the Laguna Village Owners' Association (LVOA) and is a mutual public benefit non-profit organization. Every organization is governed by a set of bylaws which govern its day to day operations. In the present case, we delve into a crucial issue of how leadership affects an organization and its functioning in a big way. Moreover, we will look into the conflict of interests that arises between those holding different positions in the leadership domain, such as the managers, and the lawyers and how affects the residents or homeowners of that place which are a part of the organization/ association too. The interests of everyone who is a part of the association in some way holding different designations in accordance with the kind of work they are expected to perform, sometimes leads to a tricky situation (ethics at stake) where personal malice, and such other vices, lead to a conflict of interest situation and affects the smooth functioning of the association, thus affecting the homeowners in a big way. Apart from the mainstream areas such as the strengths, and weaknesses of the association with respect to a particular incidence related to the issue of recall, quorum, elections, the elected members (the Board of Directors), the role of different third parties in question, the superior court, and the homeowners/volunteers of the association, we will also deal with some important questions. Firstly, how a leader in a leadership role can manage the change process effectively and sustain it for long. Secondly, the question of a personal choice of working as a paid member or a volunteer working for the association out of a sense of motivation and belongingness for the association is pondered upon from a moral angle. Lastly, we look into the effectiveness of the parking permit program, keeping in mind the current scenario of traffic management due to the increase in the number of cars over the years in the same amount of space. The case ends with a set of suitable recommendations regarding the working of the association in the most efficient and ethical way, that is beneficial for all, and how leadership can influence and motivate more people to volunteer, be a part of the committee as its members and work for the association, and the community at large (Shaw, 2016).

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