
Abbas Al Hawamdeh

Basim Almbaidin

Mahd Eid Al Hawamdeh

Manal Al Hawamdeh


The present paper deals with five strategic management theories and their leadership applications in depth and gives a comprehensive linkage of all the theories in the form of a schematic. A brief introduction and theoretical background are provided for the study under consideration along with the literature review, stating the problem and the purpose of the study in detail. The paper deals with the following theories, namely, the Tipping Point, the Business Model Generator, Blue Ocean Strategy, The Innovator's Dilemma, and the Fifth Discipline. This is followed by a correlation between these theories and how they are practically applicable by the leadership in different organizations. The methodology used to present the interlink age is also explained in depth in the present study. The paper puts forth certain inferences and findings from the analysis of the various theories mentioned above and gives recommendations to use these theories in the best possible manner. The study has limitations as it is primarily based on the analysis of the theories from various online sources, and books. There is ample scope for further research on the subject with specific situations taken into consideration making the study more useful in its applicability. The study ends with a conclusion that is optimistic and sees the theories in a positive light, with immense scope for the future, and the contribution to knowledge these theories will continue to provide in studies carried out by other researchers is also mentioned in a hopeful manner.
