
B.P Singh

Shashikant Patil

Beemkumar Nagappan

Santosh Kumar


The compound of braking pads has a vital role in predicting frictional performances. For efficient brakes, the design has to combine excessive friction with longevity to survive extended use. Creating brakes formulations which can deliver steady and dependable resistive efficiency under a variety of operational environments, such as severe levels and high loads is an obstacle. To overcome those issues, we explore a Manta Ray Foraging Optimized Ensemble Tree Approach (MRFO-ETA) as a novel method. At the initial stage, the data’s are collected and the collected data’s are undergoing for preprocessing stage using min-max normalizations. Through comprehensive experimentation and analysis, we evaluate the proposed ensemble tree approach against traditional methods, showcasing its superiority in accurately predicting the frictional behavior of heavy brake pad compounds. This innovative methodology not only contributes to advancements in automotive safety but also highlights the potential of bio-inspired optimization in engineering applications. The findings provide valuable insights for optimizing brake pad formulations, contributing to the enhancement of vehicle safety and performance. MRFO-ETA performance that obtained 97% of accuracy, 95% of recall, 94% of F1 score and 1.25 in RMSE. The research aims to identify optimal formulations that balance high frictional performance with wear resistance.
