
Rachelle Tigcal

Charmaine C. Paglinawan


The constant relay of information between units and base stations is fundamental to military operations. Military communications networks must be reliable and secure in any conditions, especially in critical areas where vital information should be securely transmitted. The development of self-reliant, cost-effective High Frequency/Very High-Frequency radio encryption could provide secure, reliable, and practical information exchange within the Philippine Navy (PN). This study aims to develop self-reliant High Frequency (HF)/Very High Frequency (VHF) radio encryption using multi-radio frequency manipulation for PN secure communication lines. This will benefit the entire PN by providing a secure, reliable, and cost-effective radio communications system for voice and data. The algorithm for encryption is multi-radio frequency manipulation. The prototype will be limited to operating under Short-Range Devices (SRD) frequency bands and cannot be integrated with existing commercial radios.
