
Waleed Mohammed Khazaal

Shaymaa Abed Hussein

Majeed M. Abid

Ann Samari Ibrahim

Kadhum Al-Majdi

Ahmed Read Al-Tameemi

Hasan Ali Dhahi


Given Iraq's significant radiation capacity, extensive geographical reach, and diverse climatic conditions, this research has opted to identify cities within Iraq that are well-suited for the establishment of solar power plants. The objective of this study is to conduct a quantitative evaluation of the influence of environmental variables on saturation losses and inverter efficiency in various geographical areas. The evaluation has been carried out. The study conducted a simulation to investigate the effects of several climatic and technical variables on the losses of the inverter, power production of the power plant, and capacity factor. The primary emphasis was placed on the examination of the impact stemming from the conversion ratio of the inverter, specifically in relation to the conversion from direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC). As the number of inverters increases, the DC to AC conversion ratio decreases from 1.21 to 1.06. Consequently, the saturation losses of the inverter notably decrease across all regions of the province, with a significant reduction of approximately 60%. Meanwhile, the potential for substantial improvements in the production capacity of solar farms. Notably, the Al-Risalah Photovoltaic Power Plant is expected to witness a 2.5% increase in production capacity compared to its previous performance.
