
Ahmed Kateb Jumaah Al-Nussairi

Shatha Kareem Mohammed

Hasan Milhim

Abed J. Kadhim

Karrar R. Al-Shami

Imad Ibrahim Dawood


Agriculture industry 4.0 is using the advanced technologies to improve the product and efficacy. In this paper the application of Nano technology in fertilizers usage is presented to increase the products quality and health. Increasing the production of agricultural products to meet the needs of society requires the use of fertilizers. Farmers and agricultural producers use fertilizers in order to strengthen agricultural lands, improve soil fertility and increase production. Nowadays, it is very important to eliminate or reduce the consumption of chemical fertilizers such as phosphate and nitrate and replace them with organic, nano and biological fertilizers. The use of chemical fertilizers for the production of more agricultural products has significant and irreparable environmental effects, which include reducing the quality of soil, water and their pollution, affecting living organisms, reducing soil nutrients, reducing microbial activity, and destroying Organic materials and soil fertility, environmental degradation, soil and accumulation of heavy elements. In this article, the effect of organic fertilizers that are added in order to supply nutrients needed by the plant and improve the soil is investigated. The results showed that organic substances are important factors in soil fertility due to their positive effects on physical, chemical and biological properties. Being cheap, less pollution than chemical fertilizers and reducing the negative environmental effects of using chemical fertilizers, improving crop production, increasing fertility, preventing erosion and improving soil performance, increasing the plant's ability to absorb nutrients and adapt to it, among other features. And the advantages of using these fertilizers are. This article deals with the importance and use of organic and biological fertilizers in agriculture and examines its effect on the growth of lettuce as an example. This article has been done in order to investigate the effects and harms of using chemical fertilizers, the use of organic and biological fertilizers, which can be used by practitioners in the field of agriculture.
