
Kiran Kumar M

Sukhman Ghumman

Vipul Pancholi

Richa Goswami

Lovish Dhingra

Nidhi Saraswat


Introduction: The financial condition of an organization is greatly impacted by the financial decisions adopted by its leadership. These choices, which are critical to the business's health, cover a range of topics including control of finances, ongoing capital, asset management, capital rising, and investment management. Managing these financial decisions is critical to ensuring the organization's overall financial success and stability.
Objective: Customer dependence on online network is significantly increasing the risk to make improper financial decision making in the particular context of financial decisions. This study's primary goal was to provide a research model for investigating the important factors influencing Factors Influencing Online Network Usage and Financial Decision-Making.
Method: The analysis and evaluation of results is performed by using the ANOVA method. Online network use has made difficult to distinguish between real and fake information due to its uncontrolled, and user-generated.
Result: The results showed that customers and businesses accept various aspects. These findings provided businesses with the chance to improve customer acceptance to online banking and improve their strategy. To reduce risks and build consumer trust, online banking organizations should strengthen aspects including safety of data, managing availability, and adhering to banking rules.
Conclusions: In order to increase financial well-being and enable efficient decision-making, customers and businesses must place a high focus on measures to build confidence, such as stringent security of data, close monitoring of funds, and conformity to financial standards.
