
Vrushali Uday Uttarwar

Dhananjay M. Dakhane

Khushi P. Sindhi


Covert channels are a big problem for computer network security because they let entities talk to each other without permission, passing through normal security measures. A complete system is needed to find and limit these routes successfully. In this study, we discuss about defences in computer network protocols and suggest a method for analysing hidden channels in internet research. The structure has three main parts: monitoring, analysis, and prevention. The process of detection includes finding hidden routes in network data. By comparing recorded network behavior to a standard and looking for differences that point to hidden channel activity, anomaly detection methods can be used to do this. The purpose of analysis is to learn about the features and actions of the hidden channels, such as how they talk to each other and store data. Understanding this step is very important for creating good plans to reduce the damage. Two types of mitigation techniques are prevention and detection/response. Prevention methods try to get rid of or greatly lower the chances of secret communication channels. Limited bandwidth for hidden channels or access controls can be used to stop entities from talking to each other without permission. After finding hidden channel contact, detection and reaction methods try to stop it. This might mean keeping an eye on network data for strange behavior and blocking or weakening the hidden route. This paper discusses about specific defenses that can be used at different levels of the network protocol stack along with the framework. These include methods like analyzing traffic, encrypting data, and making changes to protocol design. Utilizing these defenses, businesses can improve their capacity to identify and block hidden routes, thereby making their computer networks safer overall.
