About the Journal
Nanotechnology Perceptions is published to provide a stimulating forum for exchanging ideas and information concerning nanotechnology (including bionanotechnology and nanomedicine), ultraprecision engineering and other emerging technologies. Each issue contains essays on critical issues of the technologies themselves, as well as incisive appraisals of their impact on human life, society and its institutions. Articles are intended for a worldwide readership, and should be of especial interest to leaders in industry, commerce (including bankers and investors), the professions, politics and public administration, and all others who must make decisions based on a sober, impartial assessment of the potential—and risks—of nanotechnology in their areas of work.
Nanotechnology Perceptions is abstracted/indexed by Inspec (Physics Abstracts), Chemical Abstracts, and Scopus.
Nanotechnology Perceptions is a peer-reviewed, international and interdisciplinary research journal that focuses on all aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Submissions are solicited in all topical areas, ranging from basic aspects of the science of Nanotechnology to practical applications.
Nanotechnology Perceptions publishes articles that focus on, but are not limited to, the following areas:
- Synthesis, characterization and manipulation of nanomaterials
- Nanoscale physics, electrical transport, quantum physics
- Scanning probe microscopy and spectroscopy
- Nanofluidics
- Quantum Phenomena and Technology
- Biology and medicine
- Energy at the nanoscale
- Nanosensors
- Nanoelectronics and molecular electronics
- Nano-optics, nano-optoelectronics and nano-photonics
- Nanomagnetics
- Patterning and nanofabrication
- Electronics and photonics
- Sensing and actuating
- Materials: synthesis or self-assembly
- Nanobiotechnology and nanomedicine
- Nanoscale modeling and simulations
- Materials: properties, characterization or tools
Article types
Nanotechnology Perceptions welcomes submissions of the following article types:
- Research papers: reports of high-quality original research work representing a significant advance in the field
- Letters: outstanding concise articles, reporting important, new and timely developments. These articles should be deserving of priority review, and you are required to upload a justification statement along with your submission
- Topical Reviews: written by leading researchers in their fields these invited articles present the background to and overview of a particular field, and report on the current state of the art
- Comments and Replies: comment or criticism on work previously published in the journal. These are usually published with an associated reply.
- Tutorials: personal viewpoint and insight into a particular subject area appealing to a wider audience, including undergraduates and researchers working in any of the various fields of nanotechnology. Tutorials are normally commissioned by the Editorial Board but we also welcome unsolicited submissions to the journal.
- Perspectives: perspective articles are commissioned commentaries authored by some of the leading researchers in the nanotechnology community, aimed at highlighting the significance, impact and wider implications of research appearing in Nanotechnology.
- Focus Collection Articles: invited articles that form a special collection of papers on a specific theme of particular interest to the collection. For more information and to view the current Collections
Open access journal
Nanotechnology Perceptions is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal.
User rights
All articles published open access will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read, download, copy and distribute. Permitted reuse is defined by your choice of one of the following user licenses:
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY): lets others distribute and copy the article, to create extracts, abstracts, and other revised versions, adaptations or derivative works of or from an article (such as a translation), to include in a collective work (such as an anthology), to text or data mine the article, even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit the author(s), do not represent the author as endorsing their adaptation of the article, and do not modify the article in such a way as to damage the author's honor or reputation.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND): for non-commercial purposes, lets others distribute and copy the article, and to include in a collective work (such as an anthology), as long as they credit the author(s) and provided they do not alter or modify the article.
Article Publishing Charge
Article processing fees for the journal vary based on a country's economic development status. Author/authors from developed nations will be required to pay a fee of 700 USD to help cover the operational costs of the journal.
Benefits of Gold Open Access:
Increased citation and usage
As articles are freely and permanently available online immediately upon publication they have a broader distribution and increased visibility over subscription content. Research has shown that articles published open access receive higher citations, downloads and views. Download figures are also sustained over a longer period in articles published OA than those with restricted access.
Easy compliance with institutional and funder mandates
Content published under a Creative Commons licence can be archived anywhere and made immediately available on publication, allowing authors to easily comply with funder requirements. Retention of copyright by authors.
Faster impact
As work is available to all as soon as it is published research that builds on the paper can be carried out and published quicker. This is especially important in fast-moving or time-sensitive fields and topics (e.g. current epidemics).