
Anna A. Sandulyak

Maria N. Polismakova

Darya A. Sandulyak

Anand P. Dwivedi

Charalampos C. Doumanidis

Alexander V. Sandulyak

Vera A. Ershova


To create an inhomogeneous magnetic field, in which there would be zones with a practically constant value of the magnetic gradient (MG) and / or magnetic force factor (MFF), an original solution was indicated: the use of an electromagnetic system with spherical poles. In this case, the coordinate dependencies of MG and MFF in the interpolar region are extreme and the zones localized in the domain of the extrema are practically stable, referred to as the MGConst and MFFConst zones, with individual coordinates xextr of their conditional centers and length Δx (with an allowable error changes in MG and MFF data within these zones). The data following from experimental studies is given on the dislocation of the indicated zones between the poles-hemispheres of diameter D, separated by different distances b; the values of xextr/D and Δx/D depend on b/D. It is shown that the dependencies xextr/D on b/D obtained separately for the MGConst and MFFConst zones, demonstrating, like the dependencies Δx/D on b/D, mutual similarity (up to a constant multiplier), obey power functions with exponents of 0.5 and 0.4, respectively. A closer (to the center-to-center line of pole-hemispheres) and more compact (in length) dislocation of the MFFConst zones compared to the MGConst zones was revealed: almost 1.3 times both in xextr/D and in Δx/D.
