About the Journal

Nanotechnology Perceptions - Raising Awareness of Nanotechnology

The periodical "Nanotechnology Perceptions" is designed to prepare for the nanotechnology revolution (including bio-nanotechnology and nano-medicine) by providing a stimulating forum for the exchange of ideas and information. Nanotechnology is already penetrating almost imperceptibly into daily life, as essential enabling technology for increasingly miniaturized products such as mobile telephones and laptop computers, and sophisticated and complex components of medicines and cosmetics. It is already a significant global business activity. Nevertheless, in comparison with what is anticipated to be achieved, as testified by the huge sums being spent on research in the world's most developed economies, these are small hesitant steps towards a future that may ultimately lead to personal desktop nanofactories able to fabricate most common goods using nothing more than piped hydrocarbon gas as raw material. The mission of "Nanotechnology Perceptions" is to prepare the world for these changes, by raising awareness of nanotechnology among a far wider audience than the engineers and scientists actually engaged in developing it.

The changes are likely to be big, as a recent Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC) report suggests: "Nanotechnology is being heralded as the new technological revolution,  its potential is clear and fundamental so profound that it will touch all aspects of the economy and society. It will cheapen the production of all goods and services and permit the development of new products" As with all revolutions, there are both dangers and opportunities. The first weapon against the former is to be well informed, which is also essential in order to exploit the latter. Nanotechnology Perceptions contains original essays on social impact and risks, and incisive technical briefs on the science and technology itself. Steered by a distinguished international editorial board, it has already made an impact with contributions from a range of well-known scientists and engineers. Other highlights from Volume 1 (2005) include the acclaimed NanoDictionary and the first published debate between the protagonists of molecular manufacturing and their critics.

Nanotechnology Perceptions is published to provide a stimulating forum for the exchange of ideas and information concerning nanotechnology (including bionanotechnology and nanomedicine), ultraprecision engineering and other emerging technologies. Each issue contains essays on critical issues of the technologies themselves, as well as incisive appraisals of their impact on human life, society and its institutions. Articles are intended for a worldwide readership, and should be of especial interest to leaders in industry, commerce (including bankers and investors), the professions, politics and public administration, and all others who must make decisions based on a sober, impartial assessment of the potential—and risks—of emerging technologies in their areas of work.

Nanotechnology Perceptions (ISSN 1660-6795) is published three times a year (March, July and November) by "Brookfield Academic Limited"  in the United Kingdom. 

For any queries, please contact us at: editornanotechnologyperception@gmail.com

The publisher of Nanotechnology Perceptions is grateful to Electronic Information for Libraries (EIFL) for assistance in modifying the Journal Policy. The policy was inspired by:

Principles of transparency and best practice in scholarly publishing. Directory of Open Access Journals. https://doaj.org/apply/transparency/ (accessed 2023-01-06).

Core practices. COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics. https://publicationethics.org/core-practices (accessed 2022-12-10).

Policies. Open Research Europe. https://open-research-europe.ec.europa.eu/about/policies (accessed 2022-11-08).

Journal Policies. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics. https://www.glossa-journal.org/site/journal-policies/ (accessed 2023-01-06).


Algal Extract Mediated Silver Nanoparticles Characterization and Antibacterial Activity

Ancy Jenifer.A
Cecileya Jasmin.M D
Vinod Prabu.V


Inclusive Education for Children with Hearing Impairments: An Overview of Successful Inclusive Teaching Practices and Their Impact on Children's Academic Performance and Social Skills

Feruza Hakimbekovna Salomova
Gulbahor Muratovna Tasbaeva
Zhuldyz Murat Kyzy Atamuratova
Shimbergen Emergenovich Zhabbarbergenov


Analysing the Relationship Between the Length of The Stay and Economic Burden in ICU Patients

Likhith N
Mohana G
Monalisa G
Mukesh Kumar Dharmalingam Jothinathan
Suresh. S
Suresh Babu SV


Intersection of Strategic Management Theories and Leadership Applications

Abbas Al Hawamdeh
Basim Almbaidin
Mahd Eid Al Hawamdeh
Manal Al Hawamdeh


Polyherbal Cream Enriched with Bioactive Plant Extracts: A Sustainable Strategy for Insect Repellency

Vishin Ashish Patil
Rutuja Dattatray Chougale
Sakshi Malojirao Mane Deshmukh
Vishwajeet Shivaji Patil
Vardhan Sanat Arwade


Fault Lines and Fixtures: Mapping the Terrain of Implant Abutment Connection- Failure

Richa Wadhawan
Shreyansh Ahirwar
Sushma Mishra
Bhumika Panchal
Pratiksha Shrivastava
Shruti Kalbage


A Review on Exploring Myocardial Ischemia and Reperfusion Consequences through IN VITRO and IN VIVO Animal Models for Targeted Screening of Anti-Anginal Drugs

Rashmi Dorai
Yashika Saini
Mohammad Tauqeer Sheikh
Surbhi Sanjay Bhope
Gaurav S. Mude
Tarannum Rizwan Sayyad
Samiksha Prashant Warke
Prashant Dnyandeo Warke
Rajiv Roy
Bhawna Sharma


Biogas Production from Paper Mill Sludge as a Potential Source of Organic Matter

Samira Maane
Meriem Merah
Antonio Avalos Ramirez
Chahra Boudoukha
Mohamed Fahim Haroun


Analysis of Properties of Municipal Sewage Sludge and its Application: A Short Review

Vijendra Singh Tanwar
Santosh Kumar Singh
Jitendra Kumar Sharma
Ritesh Patidar


Intersection of Strategic Theory and Leadership Application

Dr. Mahd Al Hawamdeh, Dr. Abbas Al-Hawamdeh, Dr. Basim Almbaidin, Dr. Manal Al-Hawamdeh


Leadership Critical Incident in a Multispecialty Hospital

Dr. Mahd Al Hawamdeh, Dr. Abbas Al-Hawamdeh, Dr. Manal Al-Hawamdeh